Monday, 21 March 2016

Barn Renovation 5

In no time the walls started going up. Some areas were built in breeze blocks that will later be covered with cladding.

A large old tree was removed and made into a soak away and next to it a new base for the oil tank, which is in a temporary position around the front of the barn.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Barn Renovation 4

It doesn't take long for the builders to start laying the footings and brickwork.  Once they had reached a certain height, they broke up a lot of the old rubble to lay under the

floors.  I was very impressed with how ordered and tidy they were.

The metal frame for the bi fold doors arrived and was put in place so they could build up around it.

A ditch was dug all around the edge for the soil pipes and the pipes laid in place. large areas of the garden were also dug away for the new septic tank and the pipes leading to it.

The old log store looks very different and is taking shape.  This is going to be my new work room!

Monday, 14 March 2016

Barn Renovation 3

The old buildings have come down and all of the rubble taken away or piled up for later use. Extra earth has been removed to allow for new foundations.

The view from the cottage kitchen.

Ditches have been dug for the wall foundations. The blue pipe is our water pipe.

A crane arrives with the concrete and a man directs the flow from the pipe that goes all the way over the cottage.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Barn Renovation 2

First the roof came off of the workshop.

The next thing to come down was the walls.

Within a few days there was only one wall of the wood store left.

Soon that was gone as well and the builders moved around the back of the buildings.

The builders then started working back up the side of the cottage, first removing the small retaining wall and then lots of earth as the ground slopes upwards.