I am a member of Newbury Embroiderers Guild, and we were asked to take part in an exhibition to celebrate the 300 year anniversary of Capability Brown. Our guild was paired with Blenheim Palace and we took a trip there last summer to form some ideas and take some photographs.
My piece of work was inspired by one of the small bridges that spanned the Great Lake. I liked the way the lines of the bridge contrasted with the softness of the surrounding foliage, and decided to study the bridge from three different viewpoints. The piece is approximately A2 in size.
Although I did take a great many photographs on the trip, I was more inspired with those taken by my friend Gail who kindly shared hers with our group. Thank you Gail!
My piece of work was constructed of papers, various fabric, wool, ribbon, photo transfer and paint with machine and hand embroidery. The exhibition starts on February 13th and runs until the 2nd May 2016